NSERC/Energi Simulation Industrial Research Consortium in Reservoir Geomechanics
The NSERC/Energi Simulation Consortium in Reservoir Geomechanics is divided into five major themes.
Theme 1
Pore to Core-Scale Reservoir Geomechanical Behaviour
- Strength deformation behaviour from micro- to macro-scale
- Micro- to macro-scale tensile strength behaviour
- Constant normal stiffness shear behaviour of hard (mudstones, siltstones) and soft rocks (caprocks)
- Characterizing thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of heterolithic sequences in McMurray formation oil sands
- Impact of deforming discrete fracture networks on flow using 3D-printed sandstones
- Impact of shear deformations on relative permeability and capillary pressure in fractures and in porous media
- use of fully softened shear strength for consistent caprock integrity assessments
Theme 2
Reservoir Scale Geomechanical Behaviour
- Advanced centrifuge testing of safety validation > caprock assessments in the presence of faulting
- role of imbibition in fractured rock mass behaviour
- fundamental studies to support RGP3 (Reservoir Geomechanical Pressuremeter) deployment in deep, sedimentary rocks
Theme 3
Reservoir Geomechanical Simulation and Modeling
- Impacts of fracture property changes on rock mass behaviour and microseismicity
- Seismic geomechanics and induced seismicity using a virtual rock mass modeling approach
- Coupled hydromechanical multi-phase fluid flow through complex deformable fracture systems
- Fast thermo-hydro-mechanical property upscaling using machine learning
Theme 4
Field-Scale Reservoir Geomechanics Behaviour
- Application of machine learning techniques to interpretation of pressure hit monitoring
Theme 5
Reservoir Optimization with Geomechanics
- Geomechanics in closed-loop reservoir management and surveillance