The Reservoir Geomechanics Research Group
Welcome to The Reservoir Geomechanics Research Group, a dynamic team of students, researchers, and visitors from across Canada and around the globe. [RG]2 (“RG-squared”) carries out cutting-edge research in fully integrated GeoInnovation Environments (GIEs), unique facilities equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, technology, and software.
In addition to mentoring students, visitors, and junior staff, our senior research team provides reservoir geomechanical expertise in reservoir simulation, reservoir surveillance design and implementation, field services including core preservation and transport, instrumentation design, and experimental testing.
Interested in taking a more in-depth look at research happening in [RG]2’s GeoInnovation Environments? On the second Tuesday of each month our team members present on a variety of topics, ranging from the state of CCUS in Canada and around the world, to the latest developments in using 3D printed analogues for testing, to updates on student research projects. Register to join by clicking on the button below and follow us on LinkedIn to get regular updates!
Current Research
There are many exciting testing and research projects being carried out by [RG]2 both locally and in collaboration with organizations abroad, including our two largest programs – the NSERC/Energi Simulation Industrial Research Consortium in Reservoir Geomechanics and our newest initiative, GeoSAFETY – Geoscience for Subsurface Assurance of Future Energy TechnologY.

Our Research Facilities
Located at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta Canada, our GIEs consist of: the Geomechanical Research Experimental Facilty (GeoREF), the Geomechanical Centrifuge Experimental Facility (GeoCERF), the Geomechanical 3D Printing Facility (GeoPRINT), the Geomechanical Reservoir Modelling Technology (GeoRMT) and the Induced Seismicity Experimental Research Facility (ISERF)