
Our Solutions

Amidst increasing global demands as the world transitions towards clean energy, the energy sector faces several current and future challenges.

From optimizing existing reservoirs and minimizing environmental hazards to emissions reduction and land reclamation, the complex engineering puzzles resulting from evolving trends require that researchers develop and test novel processes and technologies that are not only time- and cost-effective but meet the high threshold of being safe and socially responsible.

This is where the researchers in [RG]2 find inspiration to collaborate, innovate, and create practical, ethical solutions to real-world issues.

Pore to-Core Scale Reservoir Geomechanical Behaviour

  • Strength deformation behaviour from micro- to macro-scale
  • Micro- to macro-scale tensile strength behaviour
  • Constant normal stiffness shear behaviour of hard (mudstones, siltstones) and soft rocks (caprocks)
  • Characterizing thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of heterolithic sequences in McMurray formation oil sands
  • Impact of deforming discrete fracture networks on flow using 3D-printed sandstones
  • Impact of shear deformations on relative permeability and capillary pressure in fractures and in porous media
  • Use of fully softened shear strength for consistent caprock integrity assessments

Reservoir Scale Geomechanical Behaviour

  • Advanced centrifuge testing of safety validation > caprock assessments in the presence of faulting
  • Role of imbibition in fractured rock mass behaviour
  • Fundamental studies to support RGP3 (Reservoir Geomechanical Pressuremeter) deployment in deep, sedimentary rocks

Reservoir Geomechanical Simulation and Modelling

  • Impacts of fracture property changes on rock mass behaviour and microseismicity
  • Seismic geomechanics and induced seismicity using a virtual rock mass modelling approach
  • Coupled hydromechanical multi-phase fluid flow through complex deformable fracture systems
  • Fast thermo-hydro-mechanical property upscaling using machine learning

Field Scale Reservoir Geomechanical Behaviour

  • Application of machine learning techniques to interpretation of pressure hit monitoring

Reservoir Management and Optimization with Geomechanics

  • Geomechanics in closed-loop reservoir management and surveillance

Our Testing Services

[RG]2 offers a wide spectrum of commercial testing services to industry and regulatory agencies including Centrifuge testing, numerical modelling, HPHT, 3D printing (sand and polymer), and more. Please email with your inquiry and your message will be forwarded to the appropriate research team.

Our Research Initiatives

NSERC/Energi Simulation Industrial Research Consortium in Reservoir Geomechanics

Geoscience for Subsurface Assurance of Future Energy Technology

Many future energy technologies, including CCUS, geothermal energy, hydrogen, and intermittent storage for renewables, rely on safe subsurface usage. GeoSAFETY, a part of the Reservoir Geomechanics Research Group ([RG]2), aims to address challenges in utilizing the subsurface for energy storage. This integrated university research lab fosters breakthroughs in understanding material behavior and simulating reservoir geomechanics during energy production and storage.

Many thanks to our Sponsors

[RG]2 gratefully acknowledges its current and past sponsors, partners, and collaborators for their generous support, in-kind contributions, patronage, and, most importantly, participation and feedback.